Effective coaching is process oriented, informed by experience and education and grounded in its philosophy. My experiences included sales and leadership roles in fortune 100 companies, business turnaround experience in the mid-market, founding and leading a healthcare technology firm later acquired, and 12 years of dedicated Executive Coaching and Leadership Development as managing partner of Epiphany.
My post-secondary education began with the study of electronic technology at Texas A&M. That was followed by a BA in Marketing from UT in Austin and later post graduate Executive Coaching education completed at UTD in 2009. Following this, I gained an ICF PCC credential in 2010 followed by multiple certifications of which the most notable include:
Neuro-linguistic programming practitioner
Cognitive Behavioral Coaching
Certified Confidence Coach
Certified Organizational Development Coach
SHRM-Certified Professional Designation
Beyond the delivery of coaching engagements in organizations large and small and across industries and markets, recognition of achievements in Executive coaching have allowed me to previously serve as the President of the Houston Chapter International Coach Federation organization, contribute to professional literature and conferences, and serve as the facilitator for the Leadership North Houston leadership development program for the past eight years.
My coaching philosophy is client centric, solutions-focused and draws upon a servant leadership value system. Each client is met with unconditional positive regard, respect, and a commitment to creating the space and climate necessary for them to discover and grow.
Finally, I have been blessed beyond understanding with a wonderful wife of 42 years, two fantastic children, and eight grandchildren (phew!) that keep me busy. I love to go fly-fishing in my downtime and give back to the community through various ministries and by coaching youth sports.

Matt Williams, PCC
Executive Coach & Managing Partner

Certified Organizational Development Coach (CODC)